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SEO optimization

Do not forget about the name of the roller. It must be cool, inviting. Many today all write CAPSOM. Plus, you should have some kind of basic part of the audience in order to rise higher to the TOP, and not sit at the very end of the list among other streams - this increases the chances of new viewers. So some kind of basic advertising is needed. And basic viewers. In the meantime, your stream sits at the end of the list, the chances of new viewers are minimal, because beyond the first page, usually no one flips through, both on YouTube and on twitch in the list of games. And most importantly. If you make a streamer out of you, then no proper tags or advertising will help attract many viewers.

I do not do this garbage, only occasionally I record vidos, and that's it. And what I told you, just repeated from memory the words of some acquaintances who stream quite seriously. Good tags do not guarantee a lot of views. And what guarantees exactly is the NAME - if you guess what the viewer wants today? That name alone can attract them more to your channel than a proper SEO optimized tag.

My example. I somehow released a fig movie about a Japanese tiger. So because of the name for a couple of days 10k views gathered. But the movie is really fig. I did not promote it. Tags on my channel sucks full. I practically do not work on the channel. Just wanted to make a video. Made. Recorded. Only one NAME of the roller stupidly naklatsal 10k views, it seems like a day in 2-3. But I did not write anything clever, and my audience channel is insignificant. I just inserted the word HONEST in the title, and the people led ... began to look at it. So first of all I recommend thinking over the TITLE, and already secondly over the tags.

However, for sure there will be people smarter than me, and it will clarify to you what is happening on YouTube today. And why in this comment I carry heresy. So 100% you can not believe me. This is normal, because I am not an expert, since I am NOT seriously engaged in YouTube.

“The one who says that the main thing is to enjoy the game, and not to win it, does not understand anything in games or in pleasures”

Arta in the game is like a boss at work: you always think that he doesn’t do anything, that you are smarter than him, and he’s the one to blame for all the troubles. But one has only to get into trouble, as soon as you run to him and beacon - “I need help”, “help, I can't cope myself”.

And what guarantees exactly is the NAME - if you guess what the viewer wants today?